What is a 'Recommended On' stamp?
  • 07 May 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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What is a 'Recommended On' stamp?

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Article Summary

What is the stamp?

The ‘Recommended On’ stamp is an image that you can display to show that you are registered with daynurseries.co.uk and have been reviewed through the site.

The stamp can come in electronic format and as a window sticker.

The stamp looks like this:

It is available for Enhanced, Premium and Platinum subscribers at no extra cost.

Your nursery must have received at least one review through daynurseries.co.uk to be able to use the stamp.

Why use it?

Displaying your ‘Recommended On’ stamp is a great way to get more engagement on your daynurseries.co.uk profile. It shows current and potential parents and guardians that you have been reviewed, which can inspire them to read your reviews and even to read their own. This can also increase engagement with your press releases and upcoming events.

How to use the stamp

‘Recommended On’ window stickers can be displayed in the window of your nursery, attracting attention from passers-by and visitors to the nursery.

The electronic format of the stamp can be used on any of your nursery’s media, such as social media, brochures, your website and in emails.

To order your ‘Recommended On’ window sticker:

  1. Access your daynurseries.co.uk control panel.
  2. From the menu on the left, click Reviews > Generate and Display (Offline) > ‘Recommended On’ Window Stickers
  3. Fill in the form, including the number of window stickers you’d like to order. 
  4. Click Request Window Stickers.

To get the electronic format of the stamp:

  1. Access your daynurseries.co.uk control panel.
  2. From the menu on the left, click Reviews > Generate and Display (Online) > ‘Recommended On’ Website Stamp
  3. Choose your setting (if applicable).
  4. You will see a code has been generated. You can highlight and copy this code, then paste it to any media you would like to feature the stamp. 

You must use the code every time you wish to add the stamp to a new medium, rather than saving the stamp as a picture. This is because it links back to daynurseries.co.uk, so people can use it to read your reviews and engage with your profile.

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