- 07 May 2021
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What is a daynurseries.co.uk award stamp?
- Updated on 07 May 2021
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An award stamp is a logo that you can feature on your profile if you win a daynurseries.co.uk Top 20 award.
It looks like this:
The stamp shows potential customers that your nursery is one of the best on your region. Featuring it on your profile helps you to stand out and serves as evidence of the amazing service you provide. It’s very easy for visitors to your profile or people searching for childcare in your region to see, which can generate more profile views and more enquiries.
People can click on your award stamp to learn how the award was calculated and when you received it.
Award stamps are only available if you were a winner in the most recent round of awards, but people can see all the awards you’ve won by looking at the ‘Awards’ tab on your homepage.