- 18 Mar 2021
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Awards criteria - regulatory authority compliance
- Updated on 18 Mar 2021
- 1 Minute to read
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England - OFSTED
The rating must be -
Overall Good or Overall Outstanding, Requires Improvement and Inadequate will be excluded.
Complaint Actions in the previous 12 months will be checked and if Enforcement action given the nursery will be excluded.
New nurseries not yet inspected will be eligible for an award.
Scotland - CI
The rating must be -
Adequate, Good or Very Good in each of the most recent Key Framework questions. Any areas with Weak or Inadequate will be excluded.
A nursery will be excluded if a Complaint Action is upheld within the previous 12 months.
New nurseries not yet inspected will be eligible for an award.
Wales - CIW
There are no specific ratings for nursery inspections in Wales.
We will read their latest report to ensure overall compliance.
Where an inspection reveals an area of Non-Compliance that receives a Non-Compliance Notice the nursery will be excluded.
New nurseries not yet inspected will be eligible for an award.
Northern Ireland
Family Support NI list all nurseries but there are no published inspection reports.
Nurseries will be eligible for an award as long as they are registered with Family Support NI.